Our Leadership & Team

House of Caring Hands, Inc aims to provide quality range of services to people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. At House of Caring Hands, we believe that everyone has the potential and ability to learn and grow provided if they are supported with care, and adequate love. It is difficult to define the limits of people with disabilities, as we continue to discover extraordinary abilities within them. While people who are diagnosed with developmental disabilities face a more challenging future than most, they still can enjoy a full and active life. What they need most is encouragement, understanding, and the willingness of others to help them maximize their opportunities for becoming part of their community.

At House of Caring Hands, our team of professionals are dedicated to ensure that each person’s service meets his or her full potentials.

Board of Trustees


Board Officers

  • Fatumata Massalee, MSW, SIFI, MPH - Board President

  • Willie Cabreja, CPA - Board Vice President

  • Allison York, BS - Board Treasurer

  • Kadi ZayZay, BSN - Board Secretary

Board Members

  • Valorie Allston-Bell, MPA

  • Mohammed Massalee, BA

  • Benedict Snyder

  • Quchelle Jefferson, BA

Administrative Team

  • Marisol Persaud - Executive Assistant

  • Syliva-Hannah Luo - Office Assistant

  • Rachel Massalee, MS - Agency CDS Administrator