Our Mission

To uphold, transform and enrich the lives of people with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities through comprehensive services and to treat all people equally regardless of who they are.

We believe that every person should be given the opportunity to achieve his/her full functional, social and intellectual potential through appropriate individualized programming.

At House of Caring hands, we believe and operate with the following 3 core values: We believe that with patience, consistency, supports and encouragements, everyone can excel and live a fulfilled life.

❖  Individualization

Each person has individualized needs wants and desires.  We intend to help people make informed choices and we will honor each person’s wishes and self-determination.

❖ Inclusion

Each person will be encouraged to explore community opportunities and form relationships with members of his/her community.  To assist the individuals we serve, our team of professionals’ pledge allegiances to ensure that training and supports are granted.

❖   Independence

Each person has the potential to learn and grow.  We want to give each person the ability to function as independently as possible, allowing them to achieve their optimal level of independence at their own pace.